Nature Journaling

Connecting with nature on guided walks to observe, think and improve your memory

Use these sessions to slow down and pay attention to what is around you.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t draw or write, your journal can include things you find, patterns, numbers or words to describe what you see, hear, smell or feel.

It is personal to you and is your own creation

Come along and have a go in Penrith!

The Dunmail Building, Newton Rigg, Penrith, CA11 0AH

Your nature guides

  • Suzie Collinson

    Suzie has a life-long interest in creative activities including wildlife focussed artwork and photography and enjoys bringing awareness and encouraging people to learn all about our local wildlife through talks, tutorials, and practical activities.

  • Lesley Grey

    I have spent most of my working life supporting vulnerable people, but since childhood, I have always had a passion and curiosity for nature, animals, their behaviour, how they connect and function in their habitats and their conservation.

Working in partnership

We are delighted to be able to offer these FREE programmes in partnership with the North Cumbria Recovery College.

The NCRC have a wide range of FREE courses across Cumbria so please visit their website to find a programme near you.